Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Effect Shrooms have on your Brain

One of the effects of using psilocybin is the altering of time perception. for example: 1 second in real time would apear as 2.5 seconds for the person under the influence of psilocybin. Which means for them time speeds up drastically... e.g. if a deer jumped in front of their car 5 seconds away, it would be as if they were right beside it and swerve to avoid it too early...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Electrical Communication

Most electrical messages are carried by nerve cells (though heart cells also comunicate electrically) which are specialy adapted for carrying nerve impulses from one region of the body to another. for example some nerve fibres can be up to a metre in length. the main advantage of electrical communication is the speed at which information can be transmitted; some nerves are able to propagate nerve impulses at rates of one twenty meters per second furthermore, because the writing of neurones is very precise, information can be delivered to very specific locations.

Monday, January 18, 2010

T-Cells (Cytotoxic T-cells)

T-cells send instructions to the B-cells and send Comands for the killer T-cells. they belong to a group of white blood cells known as lymphocytes.

Cytotoxic T-cells belong to a sub-group of T lymphocytes that are capable of inducing the death of infected somatic or tumor cells. They kill cells that are infected w/ other viruses (or other pathogens) or are otherwise damaged or dysfunctional.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Innate Immunity
Prevent: pathogens from getting in

skin: is dead and prevents everything from passing through
Mucus: openings have mucus that traps pathogens
Bacteria: have these inside tracks. they destroy pathogens
if that fails
Destroy: if they get in tissue and blood
Neutrophils: White blood cells that sence pathogens, rush to them, suround them, engulf them, and destroy them.

Macrophages: engulf and destroy pathogens as well.
Swelling traps pathogens and killers.

Aquired immunity (the lymphocytes)

helper T-cell: comands the killer T-cells and instructs the B-cells.
Killer T-cell: Reanforcmants the engulf pathogen.
B-cell: make antibodies
antibodies: Specific to pathogens they are Y shaped, they attach to the pathogen to signal destroyers.

Memory B-cells: remembers the specific pathogens so it can imobalize quicker next time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3 immunity Cells

T lymphocytes assist other white blood cells in immunologic processes including maturation of b cells into plasma cells.

b cells creat antibodies and turn into plasma cells as stated above.

Phagocytes are the white blood cells that protect the body by ingesting harmfull foreign particals, bacteria, and dead or dying cells, the name comes from the greek phagein (to eat or devour) and -cyte (the suffix in biology denoting cell from the greek kutos, "hollow vessel" they are essential for fighting infections and for subsequent immunity.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today We watched videos on the imune system, this animation was one of my favourite vids becuz it was action packed, i also learned alot about the imune System like an antigen stimulates antibodies, also the skin is strong enough to block out most intruders next is the tears but if all else fails the inside attacks, B and T cells work together to get rid of the enemy....

Peace out homes

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ribosomes & Endoplasmic Reticulum

Today we learnd about the Ribosomes and the Endoplasmic Reticulum the Ribosomes as You see are the dots that puts together amino acids into non-functional protein pieces and the E.R. is like a highway w/ alot of turns that transports and further constructs protein.